Eversince 2008 folds in,i've been experiencing new things almost every single day.I've had my fair share of the good and the bad.haha.but then again,thats life!
I'm starting to get the momentum going.My body system is slowly adjusting to the night shifts.Actually i do realise something.The best time to really observe my animals is at night.During the day,their behaviour is altered because we,the keepers bring about that change.For example,when we are in their den,their behaviour is either to stay or move,because we bring about that altered change.But at night,when they're in the exhibit,they're simply doing what they do in the wild for they dont have any restrictions.Very interesting =)
When we are looking after a variety of animals ranging from big to small,all in one section,it can get pretty hard or even messy when trying to get to know them all as an individual.Someone gave me a very logical advice.To start,focus on just one animal for each month.Thats the key to understanding each animal.So!starting march,i've decided to start with my fishing cats =)
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Friday, February 22, 2008
Like finally!The University of Bradford has approved our award for Foundation Certificate in Biomedical Sciences and will be releasing the certs soon. The release for the certs has been delayed and we've been waiting since forever!haha..
Seems so fast.3years from now,degree in biomedical sciences!taking things one day at a time.right now,my full focus lies in my work with my darling animals!
Sunday, February 17, 2008
When hardwork pays off =D
Yesterday was my first solo night shift.haha..1 whole night with my animals and some not so nice guests. I still get that nervous reaction but i always have to remember what my head-keeper told me!
I came out with a new enrichment for my fishing cats! Its fish wrapped with gunny cloth tied to a log and then smeared with chicken blood.
I was prepared to see what their reaction would be.Surprisingly!they took the whole night to check on the device.They ripped it off,sprayed on it and some even rubbed their face and body against it.Thats something which i rarely see during the day!As a result,their display for the night was awesome!
Everything went smoothly when it comes to confining my animals.To top it all,i wasnt the last one to report in over the walkie!I was calm and yes,singing to my animals again.haha..Michael and Faizal were clapping and cheering for me like small kids when they saw me at the bus-stop.haha..
I handled yesterday well.Though i did daynight shift,i managed to keep myself focus and prioritise.by the time i reached home,i'm busted!haha..and i'm spending more time observing my animals.oh ya!i passed my SOP (standard operating procedures) test.and so they say,hardwork does pays off!=)
Thursday, February 14, 2008
The sweet smell of success
I went home smilling from ear to ear after my last 2nd shift understudy...
And so,when i was confining the animals,i was very very calm.i had a clear mind and i was prepared for anything.one by one all my animals went in..there was 1 funny incident.knowing that my markhor are always the stubborn ones,i sang to them..and the next moment,they're all in!heys!you cant laugh at me ya..everyone has their own way of doing things.hahaha!
After i reported in over the walkie,my head-keeper called and asked me how it went.haha..it was like 12midnight and i was talking loudly over the phone.haha..i dont why but i'm super happy!this success means alot to me.i mean i know to other keepers,this is simply kacang as they have been doing this for years.haha!i guess everybody starts from somewhere.But i'm not getting big-headed now.i'm sure there are more challenges ahead.I will push myself and continue to work harder!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
The challenge just keeps coming!
This past 1 week has been pretty challenging for me.Had 3 night shift understudy and yesterday was supposed to be my last understudy.I encountered my very first challenge when confining my animals yesterday.
The challenge started when my dear markhor didnt want to come back into their den.I swear i sweated like a pig.I keep glancing at my watch while calling them back.In total darkness,with just 1 torchlight,i went inside the exhibit,trying to entice them back with food.Shouted their name till i could hear my own voice echo.I even sang to them okays!but still they refuse to move.Xiuting came to take over me while i confine all my other animals.
Well,one thing led to another..1 himalayan tahr didnt want to come back,2 of my binturongs sat like stone right at the end of their exhibit,so i had to go all the way in and chase them back..AND!1 of my fishing cat practically stood like a statue inches away from the den door,refusing to move.Rawr!!
I keep telling myself to stay calm as i hear 1 by 1 all other sections report in over the walkie while here i am,still not done with confining of my animals.haha!cold sweat..it was almost 12.15midnight when i finally report in over the walkie.haha..my voice was completely breaking down.
I decided to request for 1more understudy tomorrow to train myself to stay calm.I know that i can do this,its just that i really really need to stay calm and have a straight mind.If my animals really dont want to come back in,what can i do.haha..i guess i need to be prepared for there will be days when my animals will refuse to listen to me.1 thing i learnt about night shift is that every night is different as i have to expect the unexpected from my animals.Their behaviour is never the same.
Haha..i went home feeling like a total mess yesterday.Tomorrow's my final showdown,i have to make it work!Deep breath!With passion,big hurdles become mere obstacles! =)
Monday, February 11, 2008
Dearly missed,Ah Meng
Yesterdays memorial ceremony was trully heart-wrenching.Ah meng's departure was so sudden.She will be greatly missed.She had a beautiful and warm life here at the singapore zoo.I think that we have to thank her because in her,we the see the importance of conserving wildlife.She was and will always be our very own conservation ambassador.Her smile,her charm and her human-like behaviour..ah meng is one of a kind.Rest well and thank you for showering so much joy into other peoples lives.Love you!=)
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
"Welcome to the club sabrina!"
Okays!I know i should be sleeping now cause i'm working tmr morning and its like 1.30am now.
But i feel the strong urge to blog about today.Today was my very first day/night shift.(well..you could put it as i worked from 8.30am till 12.15midnight)..i'm pretty zonked out now but i was full of energy the whole day!my arms and thighs ache.my right wrist is swollen cause i hit it against a table in the dark.wahahaha!..people keep telling me 'welcome to the club!' =p
Its been 5days since i've become a full-time keeper in night safari.its been great so far.it has really opened my eyes into whats its really really like to be an ANIMAL KEEPER.i cant really find the perfect word for now cause i'm going to lala land soon..haha.but you're gotta be super strong at heart and mind manz!hahaha..it takes more than just saying 'i love animals'..i think today made me realise that i've passed that stage.
Working at night in night safari as a keeper is totally different as compared to daytime.I just experienced it tonight.really really challenging yet enjoyable.i still have 2 more understudy to go!Chiong ar!hahaha!
Right now i'm keeping 2 things as my focus point.excel in my school and strive to be a good animal keeper.it seems like eversince i've become a full-time keeper,my life seems pretty much busy as a bumble-bee!wahahahaha!but i loike!the learning journey is exhilirating! Before i enter lala land,heres a picture of one of our indian rhino.How cute can a big animal get?hehehehe...
Friday, February 1, 2008
Happy 18th Birthday Fadhilah!
Yea!a quick shout-out to my dear Fadhilah who's turning 18 within a few hours!
(Psst!me and adilla dropping by ur house tonight to give u a surprise!well,if u happen to read this before 12midnight,i guess theres no more surprise!wahahaha!)
Anyway,heres sending u lotsa blessings and buckets full of colours for the years to come!
and..oh!hope u like my very own hand-made present for u!=)