I did my very first enrichment yesterday!
Actually it wasnt planned at all.
I was preparing food for the bats in the aviary when i realised that theres alot of starfruits.
Thinking that it was christmas,a special occasion,i thought of 'decorating' the aviary using the fruits!
I sliced the starfruits into many many pieces.
Then i slid them through a string together with some bananas.
(muahahaha!xiuting thought that it looked like a hawaii necklace!) And finally i hung the enrichment!
The bats were checking the enrichment and soon enough they ate some of the fruits from the enrichment.
Mulyadi happen to stay behind and look at my enrichment.Got some advices from him.Thank you many many!hehe..and not to forget xiuting who turned out to be very supportive =p
Xiuting and I checked our work roster and realised that yesterday was the last time we'll see each other for this 2007.
So,we talked crap and joke non-stop the whole night!knowing that nobody can talk non-stop like us!muahahahahaha!
-No one's at home
-Accompany xiuting (she was doing day/night shift..hehe)
-To see how successful my enrichment would be
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